"World War Hulks" is a comic book crossover storyline published by Marvel Comics that ran in 2010 following the "Fall of the Hulks" storyline. The plot builds on the depowering of Bruce Banner by Red Hulk during the "Dark Reign" storyline and the betrayal of Doc Samson who joined with the Intelligencia to bring about the "Fall of the Hulks" to create an army of Hulks to take over the world. "World War Hulks" will also show the origins of Red Hulk (General Ross) and Red She-Hulk (Betty Ross). "World War Hulks" is the continuation of an arc that began with the ''Planet Hulk'' storyline in 2006–07, that continued into ''World War Hulk'' (the Marvel event of 2007), through the short lived ''Skaar Son of Hulk'' and into the last two years of both Hulk titles, which have largely focused on the identity of Red Hulk, the depowering of Bruce Banner, and the arrival of Skaar on Earth. The newly announced "Incredible Hulks: Dark Son", which brings Skaar's brother Hiro-Kala to Earth, is the end of the arc. ==Publication history== The series started with a one shot called ''World War Hulks'', and ran through the series ''Hulk'' and ''Incredible Hulk''; it also included some "Fall of the Hulks" titles, two issues of ''Hulked Out Heroes'' and two special World War Hulks, ''Wolverine vs Captain America'' and ''Spider-Man vs Thor''. Also, ''Hulked Out Heroes'' revealed the names of the Hulkified versions of those that were turned into Hulks. The series revealed the identities of both Red Hulk and Red She-Hulk and how they came to be that way. Additionally the series brought back Bruce Banner as the Hulk and set up the fight with his father that Skaar has been longing for. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「World War Hulks」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク